Tero's blog

Random notes

Status update, June 2012

I have been quiet a while. This is mostly because I have been busy IRL (like always).

However, there are some things which I have done lately:

  • Most notably I ported GNAT to Debian armhf. It is available from Debian armhf repositories already, but you can still fetch my original …

Ahven 2.2 released

This (2.2) is long overdue bug fix release for Ahven. Ahven.XML_Runner had same bug as Ahven.Text_Runner and this release fixes it. Now your XML test result files should have skipped tests correctly reported. Another bigger change is API documentation generator change from Adabrowse to Sphinx.

As usual …


Building custom Arduino LCD shield to be used with AVR-Ada

Using 16x2 LCD display for text output purposes is sometimes more convenient than serial communication via UART/USB.

But if you do the wiring on the breadboard you get quite a mess:

So, I wanted to create a shield for Arduino to make the LCD usage easier.

AVR-Ada includes library …


Year 2011 summary

When it comes to Ada and its community, last year (2011) was pretty interesting to me. Here is a small summary what I managed to do:

  • I did three Ahven releases (1.9, 2.0, and 2.1). I had hoped to do yet another (2.2), but didn't find …

Oops, I really messed up skipped tests in Ahven 2.0

I managed to mess up skipped test reporting also in the XML test result reporter. I filed an issue about it.

Since the bug appears only if you skip some tests and use the XML result format, it isn't really fatal and therefore I won't immediately fix it. However, I …


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