Tero's blog

Random notes

Articles by Tero Koskinen

Ahven 2.7 released

I released Ahven 2.7 last week, but only now I had time to create a blog post about it.

Version 2.7 is pretty normal maintenance release. Probably the most interesting this is fix for Tear_Down procedure, which was not called if a test raised exception.

The bug has …


Porting PN532 routines from AVR-Ada to GNAT ARM

Olimex STM32-E407 with PN532 breakout board

If you have followed my Arduino blog you know that I have written some time ago PN532 routines for AVR-Ada.

Now, to play with Ada_Drivers_Library, I decided to port my PN532 routines to ARM Cortex-M4 using STM32F4 board (STM32-E407) from Olimex.

The porting process was relatively smooth, as I already …


Ahven status update, January 2017

Even though I didn't manage to make any Ahven releases in year 2016 and the build job for Ahven as been failing for 6 months or so, I haven't completely abandoned it.

I added some performance tests and converted from Bounded_String usage to Unbounded_Strings. This helped with memory consumption for …


Ahven 2.5 and 2.6 released

It has been about 1.5 years since previous Ahven release. To fix the situation, I released Ahven 2.5 and Ahven 2.6 today.

Ahven 2.6 is almost identical to 2.5, but its documentation contains fixed release dates.

Hosting and other changes

There aren't many code changes …


Running Ada 2012 on Olimex STM32-E407 (ARM Cortex-M4 / STM32F4)

Almost two years after I got my first ARM Cortex-Mx device, I finally found time to build Ada ARM Cortex-M cross-compiler using FSF GCC/GNAT. But, instead of Atmel SAM3, I used STM32F4 processor found from Olimex STM32-E407 board.

Relevant code pieces are sprinkled into three repositories at Bitbucket:


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